After arriving back in Michigan in mid-March, Kevin and I (along with pretty much the rest of the world) locked down at our home to ride out Covid-19. Kathleen’s wedding ceremony was postponed until summer 2021, along with her visit home from Scotland (with her fiance, Mo), our trip to Vegas to celebrate Morgan’s 21st birthday….and so on. You know, the stuff that drops by the wayside when a pandemic hits.
It wasn’t all bad. We played LOTS of card games with family and took the opportunity to finish up several pending home projects. Now we have a completed deck, entry patio (and walkway), concrete hot tub pad next to the deck, storage platform in the garage, a rebuilt Little Free Library….and a HUGE garden! We took a LOT of walks on the Heartland Trail (which is located alongside our property), enjoyed spring and summer flowers & critters…and Kevin tended to his bees. Donna also made a TON of masks (with occasional supervision from Pearl the Cat).
Throughout lockdown, we anxiously watched the news to see if we would be able to travel to Scotland for the month of August. (Even though the wedding celebration was postponed, we had already booked airline tickets for 5 weeks in Scotland). We were in luck!! Stay tuned for highlights from our 2-week quarantine with Kathleen & Mo, as well as our post-quarantine, socially-distanced exploration of the Scottish countryside.
2020 has been a wild ride…and it isn’t over yet!!