From Spokane we backtracked just a little in Washington and Oregon and headed down through Idaho and far-eastern Nevada on our way to Huntington, Utah. Where is Huntington…and why on earth would we go there, you ask?? Well, Huntington is a tiny town situated in central Utah, and it is the home of Donna’s brother Clair and his wife, Lee (and their super-cute dog, Maggie). Donna has been to Huntington in the past, but this was Kevin’s first visit. The weather was a little colder than we would have liked, but totally worth it to hang out with family for a little while.
Donna & Caleb The town sheep… Donna & Ora Kevin & Maggie
While in Huntington we toured a really awesome old cabin that Clair is rebuilding. One of Lee’s ancestors once lived in the cabin but it has been uninhabited for 70+ years. So cool! Donna is a major family history geek, and Kevin has certainly done his share of home renovations over the years, so this was right up our ally. We can’t wait to come back and see the cabin once the project is complete!
Huntington State Park and Huntington Canyon are nearby scenic attractions (as you could likely surmise given their names…). We took a day to hike around the park and drive up the canyon. Midway through our drive up the canyon it started to snow (really lightly). From that point until we descended into town, Kevin refused to get out of the car.
Huntington Canyon Huntington Canyon Huntington Canyon Huntington Canyon Huntington Canyon Huntington State Park Huntington State Park
We were also fortunate enough to catch up with Donna’s nephew Caleb and her niece Ora while in Huntington. AND we made a trip to Arches National Park in Moab (but that’s another post).