Sierra Vista Hash Run with Diane!

Post Run Photo Opportunity with Diane

What is a hash run, you say? A lot of fun with some people who like to run, drink, and socialize. Donna’s sister Diane has told us about hash runs for years…and we finally had an opportunity to tag along!!

Hash House Harriers are social groups that exist all over the world. From our understanding they meet roughly weekly for the hash (or hash run). The hashers will sometimes allow for walkers as well as runners.

Here’s how it works. Everyone meets at a common start point. By this time someone is already designated as the hare (or hares). After everyone arrives, the hares begin running. The hares leave a trail (using chalk markings) for the rest of the group (the hounds) to follow. After the designated waiting time, the hounds take off, following the trail in hopes of catching the hares. The hares leave false trails, and decision points to confuse the hounds. And they can leave the trail marks in pretty non discrete locations, to further shake the hounds.

At the end of the course, there is a cooler of beer and sundry snacks. Our hosts, the Huachuca Hash House Harriers also provided non-alcoholic beverages. After the race, the hashers circle up and celebrate some social time. There are awards, and recognition and some good fun. We’ve left a lot out, because we don’t wish to spoil the fun for those who might find an H3 group.

Following the trail was a blast, and it kept our minds off the distance we ran. We are both interested in finding a Hash group when we get back home. And we would recommend you give it a shot, if you come across a group.

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