Old Town, FL…visiting and exploring

While we addressed a LOT of maintenance items (and by “we” I mean Kevin and Chris) during our stop in Old Town….we also managed to visit, play cards and do a little exploring. Well…it was mostly Martha and I that explored… (Martha is my sister, for those of you who don’t know my entire family). Oh – I should probably also mention that Old Town is located in North/Central Florida…not terribly far from Gainesville.

Kevin and I took advantage of a nearby trail that crossed the Suwanee River for our morning runs (Nature Coast State Trail). It was really, really nice to have a convenient place for exercise that also offered some great scenery.

Stopping for a selfie (that’s the Suwanee River in the background).
Footbridge over the Suwanee River near Old Town, Florida
Nature Coast State Trail….a very cool resource!!!

Martha and I visited a cool quilt museum/shop, and a couple of fresh water springs located pretty close to Old Town: Poe Springs and Hart Springs. I had not realized there are SO MANY springs in Florida. We will definitely have to visit more of them next time. Both springs had awesome trails that offered plenty of photo opportunities (and hey, I rarely turn down a photo opportunity!). I was really fascinated with all the bald cypress…which you can clearly see by all the photos I took!! The bald cypress, along with the Spanish Moss hanging everywhere out of live oak trees gave the landscape an amazing otherworldly appearance. Hart Springs also boasts plenty of camping sites and kayak rentals; it looks very nice with many recent renovations and updates. Definitely a place worth checking out for camping with the RV (or rustic camping, if that’s your thing).

We also had a blast enjoying a little wine & cherry brandy while playing several rounds of euchre with Martha & Chris. Speed (their great dane) is still not sure he likes us; we kept telling him he was missing out on some amazing belly rubs….but he was not buying it. Maybe next time….

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